UK Racketball Series Rankings

2025 Series Rankings - Reigning Champion - Ryan Loska (UKR) - 2025
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Rank Name Club Region Events Points
1 Paul Loska 2 530
2 Ryan Loska C Cheshire 2 440
2 Steve Smith HSRC Leicestershire 4 440
4 Nick Billington SS&RB Shropshire 3 370
4 Michael Wardle WSRC Surrey 2 370
6 john herbetko WHC Dorset 2 350
7 Phillip HAll NUFF Surrey 3 290
8 Matt Bedwell NEW Glasgow City 1 265
8 Craig Chappell SS&RB Shropshire 1 265
8 John Cordeaux SSC Lincolnshire 1 265
8 Ted Jeal TCC Kent 1 265
8 Graeme Manson HT&SC York 1 265
8 Amber Marshall BSC Hertfordshire 1 265
8 Sabrina Tengku Nur GU Glasgow City 2 265
15 Nick Jenkins BSC Dorset 2 240
16 graham appleby BTSRC Kent 2 180
17 MARK BANFIELD VCClu Bexley 1 175
17 Paul Geri WLTSC Glasgow City 1 175
17 Alex Glencross VCClu York 1 175
17 Mike Harris DANDE Devon 2 175
17 Paul Hudson-Oldnall BC Surrey 2 175
17 Jasmin Kalar RUSC Berkshire 1 175
17 Gareth Naidoo WWCUK Essex 1 175
17 Patrick Osborn WWCUK Essex 2 175
17 ALEXIS SMITH DLR Dorset 2 175
17 Paul Sitch IOW( Isle of Wight 1 175
17 Oliver Staunton IOW( Hampshire 3 175
17 Joe hely SSRC Glasgow City 1 175
29 Paul Norton HSC East Riding of Yorkshire 2 170
30 Andy Haslin IOW( Isle of Wight 2 150
30 Dave Merchant WSC Swindon 2 150
30 Nick Moore Dover Kent 2 150
33 Tommy Meadows DUF Kent 2 135
33 Gary Preston HARWE Oxfordshire 2 135
33 Stuart Tyler Dover Kent 2 135
33 Francois de Villiers EBBIS Surrey 2 135
37 Graham Greensall-K 2 115
38 Craig Lloyd HSRC Leicestershire 2 110
39 Robin Chipperfield WLTSC Staffordshire 1 105
39 Mervyn Davies SS&RB Shropshire 2 105
39 Kevin Dudley VCClu York 1 105
39 Jesse Mills SSRC Glasgow City 1 105
39 Scott Mowat SSRC Glasgow City 1 105
44 Alex Kershaw LoS Hampshire 2 90
44 Jason Russell BNSC Shropshire 2 90
46 Peter Banfield EBBIS Surrey 2 85
46 Nathen Newark EBBIS Surrey 2 85
46 Mike Stannard WSC Swindon 2 85
49 Callum Arnott IOW( Isle of Wight 2 70
49 Nev Buckle DASC Wiltshire 2 70
49 Stuart Vail CichR England 1 70
52 David Acquet BSC Hertfordshire 1 65
52 Richard Cobb ABBEY Sheffield 1 65
52 Paul Cousins WEST Hertfordshire 1 65
52 James Dubois EBBIS Surrey 1 65
52 Dan Fernandez BSC Buckinghamshire 1 65
52 Adam Grilli BSC Hertfordshire 1 65
52 Roger Hainsworth DSRC East Sussex 1 65
52 Andrew Hopwood NSRCR Nottinghamshire 1 65
52 Terry James MHCSC Leicestershire 1 65
52 Billy Jones 1 65
52 Gavin Mack NEW Glasgow City 1 65
52 Antony Stefanelli 2 65
52 Alan Susskind NEW Glasgow City 1 65
52 Mike Sutherland DBY Fife 1 65
52 Stephen Uttley UY York 1 65
52 Amanda Wykes N Northamptonshire 1 65
68 Paul Giles B Hampshire 1 45
68 Elliot Smith HSRC Leicestershire 2 45
68 simon vaughan EG Gloucestershire 1 45
71 Paul Halstead WSC Wakefield 1 40
71 Graham Holmes DANDE Devon 1 40
71 Peter Iszatt BSC Hertfordshire 1 40
71 Tim Millington PTSC Cambridgeshire 1 40
71 Colin Shermer EBBIS Surrey 1 40
71 martin sawyer N England 1 40
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